Jeremiah 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

10yo Raiders Fan Surprised + Sideline Interview Goes Viral! JeremiahOneandFive Surprise Squad Story

Jeremiah interview w/LV Raiders kicker Daniel Carlson @ Raiders & Chiefs final game of the season

Jeremiah’s full interview w/Davante Adams at Raiders & Chiefs final show down of the season

Jeremiah explains to Derek Carr why he’s not worried about where he’ll be next season
Jeremiah Andrew Fennell Was born October 5, 2012. He’s been referred to as a miracle baby born to his parents Lorraine Golden and Leroy Fennell. His parents were told by several specialists that Jeremiah may be born either prematurely or may even be a stillborn. It was discovered during an amniocentesis that he was missing a gland in his brain (Septum Pellucidum). It was also discovered during several doctors appointments, ultrasounds, and multiple panels of bloodwork that Jeremiah had a detached right clavicle, Other brain abnormalities and possible lack of the ability to hear. He was Breeched during the entire 30 week pregnancy and was born via Cesarean surgery. Due to all the doctors warnings of the possibility of losing his hearing, Jeremiah’s first learned language was sign language (ASL). Because of his rare neurological diagnoses of (ASP) it was suspected that he may have learning difficulties so his mom began teaching him basic fundamentals of reading, writing, ASL and he was receiving occupational, physical and speech therapy through Child Find. He started preschool at the age of 3 years old but was kicked off the program 1 year later due to being too advanced for the curriculum. Jeremiah started showing early signs that not only had he beaten all the odds that were stacked against him at birth but he was truly a gifted child. At the age of 2 1/2 years old although he could barely speak in full sentences he turned into a completely different person while watching sports. His face would light up and he would commentate play-by-play while watching the Raiders games on TV. He never lost his love for the game of football, the art of commentating and especially his love for the Raiders. When he was four years old he would practice interviewing the players on the Raiders team. He would pretend to ask them a question in his regular voice then he would extend his arm towards the imaginary player holding an imaginary microphone then he would change his voice and answer the question pretending to be them. It was around that time he started manifesting out loud that he would indeed work for the Raiders one day. Fast forward a few years later the beginning of the best days of his life happened when it was announced that the Raiders would be relocating, which in his words, “God brought the Raiders to Las Vegas especially for me”. He started his YouTube channel @jeremiahoneandfive5176 in April 2020 giving post game highlights of the LV Raiders games. Due to his medical issues he’s unable to play contact sports due to the fear of causing seizures and further problems with his cranium. So after playing t-ball, flag football and bitty basketball. He decided to work more on his journalism craft.
On October 8, 2022 Jeremiah became the first journalist to join Sports 4 Free Youthmedia where he was given the opportunity to show the world that all his hard work and countless hours of pretending to interview athletes was not a waste of time.
On December 27,2022 Jeremiah and his mom Lorraine were Surprised by the Las Vegas Fox 5 Surprise Squad. As part of the plethora of blessings gifted to them, Jeremiah was invited by Daniel “Clutch” Carlson (as Jeremiah has renamed him) to the final game of the season, Raiders vs Chiefs at Allegiant Stadium on Saturday 1-07-23. That kind gesture has changed his life forever. He interviewed DaVante Adams and the LV Raiders social media team posted it on Wednesday 1-11-23. That interview has since gone viral with well over 11 million views across several social media platforms. The Raiders called him their “newest and cutest reporter”. Because of that headline and Jeremiah’s poise and professionalism the Raiders and the Fox 5 team phones started ringing off the hook with people requesting more information about the newest cutest reporter. Jeremiah and his family loved the fact that people were taking him serious and have accepted him as part of the journalism industry. That viral interview paved the way for several others such as Josh Jacobs, Derek Carr, Maxx Crosby, both Eli and Peyton Manning, both Stefon and Trevon Diggs, George Kittle. Saquon Barkley, Justin Jefferson, Tyreek Hill, Emmitt Smith, Calais Campbell etc. He has been a guest on radio stations, podcasts, news outlets and daytime tv shows such as: Unnecessary Roughness Raider Nation Radio 920am, Jammin 105.7 Radio, Hot 702.5fm. Fox and Friends, NewsMax X’s 2, NBC News, ABC News, Jennifer Hudson (JHud X’s 2), Let The Ball Bounce sports podcast. Access Daily. He appeared in several commercials with Fox 5 that aired during Super Bowl LVII. He was the blessed Recipient of Super Bowl tickets and a Journalist spot on the NFL honors red carpet.
Jeremiah is a straight A honor roll student where he attends Bertha Ronzone ES and sits on the Student Mediation Panel, NAACP Member, Sports Journalist, Commentator, Author, Entrepreneur, The Black Hole Member, Cameo Talent, 33rd Team Podcast Member, hard working, reliable, God fearing, righteous young black man and he wants the world to know that although he’s only 10 years old, he’s already putting in the work to leave his mark on the world of journalism
@jeremiahoneandfive on YouTube